608284 Conveying Literature: Book blogs in the field of literary criticism
summer semester 2018 | Last update: 13.03.2018 | Place course on memo listAt the end of the course students will be familiar with central aspects and new developments in the field of literary criticism; they will be able to express themselves in a well-founded and differentiated way by means of relevant examples.
Function and position of book blogs in the field of literary criticism
Book blogs occupy a wide space in the literary field, and the increasing attention, which the book market is paying to this blogs, is clearly visible. As book blogs use to emphasize their independency and often define themselves as beeing different from professional literary criticism, in this class we will examine whether or how this obviously increasing convergence between the autonomous and the commercial field affects or changes the position and self-definition of book blogs.
Continuous assessment (based on regular written and/or oral contribution by participants)
Active participation in the class discussions, in-class presentations, written assignment (small paper ca. 5 p.)
BÖHME, Gernot: Ästhetischer Kapitalismus, Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp 2016 (= es 2705).
BOURDIEU, Pierre: Die Regeln der Kunst. Genese und Struktur des literarischen Feldes, übers. von Bernd Schwibs und Achim Russer. Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp, 1999 (= stw 1539).
GIACOMUZZI, Renate: Deutschsprachige Literaturmagazine im Internet. Ein Handbuch. Innsbruck: Studienverlag 2012 (= Angewandte Literaturwissenschaft, Bd. 16).
HOHENDAHL, Peter Uwe: Literaturkritik und Öffentlichkeit, München: R. Piper & Co. 1974 (= Serie Piper 84).
Further titles will be communicated at the beginning of the course.
BA Germanistik:positive assessment of the Pflichtmodule 7, 18 und 23
LA Deutsch: cf. the applicable curriculum
for Deutsch Lehramt, 2. Studienabschnitt, "Freie Wahlfächer"
- Faculty of Language, Literature and Culture
Group 0
Date | Time | Location | ||
Thu 2018-03-08
13.45 - 15.15 | 40832 SR 40832 SR | Barrier-free | |
Thu 2018-03-15
13.45 - 15.15 | 40832 SR 40832 SR | Barrier-free | |
Thu 2018-03-22
13.45 - 15.15 | 40832 SR 40832 SR | Barrier-free | |
Thu 2018-04-12
13.15 - 15.15 | 4DG12 4DG12 | ||
Thu 2018-04-19
13.45 - 15.15 | 40832 SR 40832 SR | Barrier-free | |
Thu 2018-04-26
13.45 - 15.15 | 40832 SR 40832 SR | Barrier-free | |
Thu 2018-05-03
13.45 - 15.15 | 40832 SR 40832 SR | Barrier-free | |
Thu 2018-05-17
13.45 - 15.15 | 40832 SR 40832 SR | Barrier-free | |
Thu 2018-05-24
13.45 - 15.15 | 40832 SR 40832 SR | Barrier-free | |
Thu 2018-06-07
13.45 - 15.15 | 40832 SR 40832 SR | Barrier-free | |
Thu 2018-06-14
13.45 - 15.15 | 40832 SR 40832 SR | Barrier-free | |
Thu 2018-06-21
13.45 - 15.15 | 40832 SR 40832 SR | Barrier-free | |
Thu 2018-06-28
13.45 - 15.15 | 40832 SR 40832 SR | Barrier-free |