628100 SE Subject Didactics II
summer semester 2018 | Last update: 11.04.2018 | Place course on memo listThe aim of the course is to get in touch with the social, educational conditions and these of the religious community. To know about the framework conditions for Islamic Religious Education in the AHS respectively BMHS. The students should build up, consolidate and expand the didactic basic competencies for the Islamic religious education in the secondary schools.
· Religious Education as a place of discourse and reflection of religious contents
· New paradigm of “Kompetenzorientierung” and Islamic Religious Education in secondary schools
· Create an annual planning or to plan sections of a lesson or one whole session.
· New type for higher general education schools (NOST) and Islamic Religious Education
· Performance evaluation in religious education
· Discussing of relevant (Fach-)didactic questions
· Get to know different ways of teaching and learning
· School as a place of lived plurality: interreligious learning - consequences for didactics/Fachdidaktik (best practice examples)
Lecture and discussion, text analysis, working in various social forms (EA, PA, GA), discussion and reflection.
Collaboration in the form of discussion and reflection as well as transfer of the contents to concrete examples, oral inputs, written seminar paper in the scope of approx. 15 pages
· Behr, H., Haußmann, W., & Van der Velden, F. (n.d.). Gemeinsam das Licht aus der Nische holen: Kompetenzorientierung im christlichen und islamischen Religionsunterricht der Kollegstufe. V&R unipress.
· Sejdini, Z., Kraml, M., Scharer, M., & W. Kohlhammer GmbH VerlegerIn. (2017). Mensch werden: Grundlagen einer interreligiösen Religionspädagogik und -didaktik aus muslimisch-christlicher Perspektive (1. Auflage. ed., (AT-OBV)AC13285613 1).
· Rothgangel, M. (2012). Religionspädagogisches Kompendium (7., grundlegend neu bearb. und erg. Aufl.. ed.).
· Hilger, G.; Leimgruber, S.; Ziebertz, H. (2007). Religionsdidaktik. Ein Leitfaden für Studium, Ausbildung und Beruf. (4. Aufl.) München.
Further literature will be announced in the seminar and will be added as needed.
Group 0
Date | Time | Location | ||
Sat 2018-04-21
11.00 - 17.30 | SR II (Theologie) SR II (Theologie) | Barrier-free | |
Sun 2018-04-22
09.00 - 16.00 | SR II (Theologie) SR II (Theologie) | Barrier-free | |
Sat 2018-04-28
11.00 - 17.30 | SR II (Theologie) SR II (Theologie) | Barrier-free | |
Sun 2018-04-29
09.00 - 16.00 | SR II (Theologie) SR II (Theologie) | Barrier-free |