720025 Human Ethology
summer semester 2018 | Last update: 07.03.2018 | Place course on memo listThe students will be made familiar with manifold aspects of human perception, thought, emotion and behavior and the connections with other human sciences.
Human Ethology investigates human behavior with the help of the Four Basic Questions of Biological Research (causation, ontogeny, adaptation, phylogeny).
The following topics will be presented:
● birth
● expression of emotions
● bonding and increasing autonomy of the child (incl. traumats because of loss of parents and/or incest)
● biopsychology of gender differences
● phases of greaf / accompanying of mourning people
● aggression, inhibition of aggression / theories about aggression
● evolutionary aspects of psychology and medicine
● evolution of moral
● evolutionary epistemology
● possessive behavior
● ect.
PPT-lecture with video examples (amog others) from the Human Ethological Film Archive.
multiple choice colloquium
● Eibl-Eibesfeldt I 1995: Die Biologie des menschlichen Verhaltens, München Piper; English edition: 2009: Human Ethology. New York Aldine.
● Forster J, Schiefenhövel W & Sütterlin Ch 2012: Im Spiegel der Anderen. Ingolstadt Stadtmuseum.
● Medicus G 2017: Was uns Menschen verbindet - Humanethologische Angebote zur Verständigung zwischen Leib- und Seelenwissenschaften. Berlin VWB-Verlag; englische Ausgabe: Being Human - Bridging the Gap between the Sciences of Body and Mind. Berlin VWB-Verlag
● Vorlesungsunterlagen in: www.uibk.ac.at/psychologie/humanethologie
- Faculty of Psychology and Sport Science
- Interdisciplinary and additional courses