800614 SE The Great Regression? Sociological and philosophical diagnosis of the political situation
summer semester 2018 | Last update: 06.03.2023 | Place course on memo listUnderstanding of different explanation models of the contemporary political situation.
The title of the course references to an omnibus volume, published in April 2017 in Suhrkamp. As symptoms of the so-called great regression, it names "developments that many had thought were the phenomena of a distant age: the rise of nationalistic, in part anti-liberal parties like the Front National and the Alternative für Deutschland, the profound crisis of the EU, a coarsening of public discourse thanks to demagogues like Donald Trump, a growing distrust of the established media and the spread of xenophobic ideas". Starting with the Suhrkamp omnibus volume, the course aims to enlighten these developments and therefore present sociological and philosophical diagnoses and explanation models in an easy understandable way. So, the course adresses students of all studies, who are interested in the current developments in politics and society and want to discuss them in the seminar group.
Readings and discussion.
Term paper and presence in the course.
Geiselberger, Heinrich (Hrsg.) (2017): Die große Regression. Eine internationale Debatte über die geistige Situation der Zeit. Berlin: Suhrkamp Verlag
Nachtwey, Oliver (2016): Die Abstiegsgesellschaft. Berlin: Suhrkamp.
Streeck, Wolfgang (2013): Gekaufte Zeit: Die vertagte Krise des demokratischen Kapitalismus. Berlin: Suhrkamp.
Ranking of Registration: Higher semesters are preferred.
- Interdisciplinary and additional courses
Group 0
Date | Time | Location | ||
Wed 2018-03-07
10.15 - 13.15 | Container 1 Container 1 | ||
Wed 2018-04-11
10.15 - 13.15 | Container 1 Container 1 | ||
Wed 2018-04-18
10.15 - 13.15 | Container 1 Container 1 | ||
Wed 2018-05-02
10.15 - 13.15 | Container 1 Container 1 | ||
Wed 2018-05-16
10.15 - 13.15 | Container 1 Container 1 | ||
Wed 2018-05-30
10.15 - 13.15 | Container 1 Container 1 | ||
Wed 2018-06-13
10.15 - 13.15 | Container 1 Container 1 | ||
Wed 2018-06-27
10.15 - 13.15 | Container 1 Container 1 |