800970 VU DNA sequencing and manipulation: news about our past, heritable diseases and potential future therapy

Sommersemester 2018 | Stand: 07.03.2018 LV auf Merkliste setzen
VU DNA sequencing and manipulation: news about our past, heritable diseases and potential future therapy
VU 1
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Einfluss moderner Genomsequenzierungsmethoden auf die Humangenetik; ethische und soziale Aspekte.

  1. Sequencing history, techniques, and whole genome, exome approaches. The Human Genome.
  2. Mutation rates in males and females; recombination; germ cells vs. somatic cells; telomeres; effects on ageing.
  3. Human Evolution: Genetics and  Paläoanthropology,  Out of Africa Hypothesis, Neanderthals and other Archaic humans; Adaptation, skin colour and other markers.
  4. “Precision Medicine”: WES and WGS vs. GWAS; successes and failures; mutation rate in normal and cancer cells. Consequences of the Crspr/Cas technology on human choices.
  5. Epigenetics: From development to differentiation of somatic cells, X-chromosome inactivation to genomic Imprinting

Vorlesung und Seminarvorträge.


Wird gesondert bekanntgegeben.


  1. Studenten im DP AGE_REG, dann andere Doktoratsstudenten
  2. Studenten im Masterstudium MOLZEB, dann andere Masterstudenten
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