822280 SE Architecture and Perception
summer semester 2018 | Last update: 21.10.2019 | Place course on memo listThe seminar takes place in the context of the current exhibition on architects Rudolf Schwarz 1897-1961 and Hans Döllgast 1891-1974 (9.3. -9.6.2018), which is currently on display in the Archive for Architecture and Architecture. They belonged to a generation of so-called moderate modernism. As important representatives of architecture in Germany, they shaped the face of the interwar and early post-war period. Their buildings have features of ornamental design in contrast to those of international or Bauhaus modernity. The aim of the course is to understand, describe and analyse architecture with ornament.
FROM ORNAMENT TO FORM. Historicism was overcome with the Art Nouveau and the reform architecture around 1900. The free ornament played an important role. Its decorative effect was soon extended by a functional one. The ornament was increasingly developed from the construction. This objectification and scientificization of ornament gave way to form without ornament within a few years. Since then, the cult of no-frills architecture has been celebrated. The seminar is dedicated to this development with lectures, site appointments and visits to outstanding buildings as well as a three-day excursion.
Presentations. Local appointments with visits. Excursion with visit of current exhibitions. Studies and documentation on the transformation of the appearance of an outdoor space in enclosed buildings (from structural context to detail) in the form of sketches, photos and comments.
Presentations and oral examination.
Annika Waernerberg, Urpflanze und Ornament, Pflanzenmorphologische Anregungen in der Kunsttheorie und Kunst von Goethe bis zum Jugendstil, Helsinki 1992 http://journals.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/index.php/jfk/article/viewFile/31805/25511
Markus Brüderlin, Ornament und Abstraktion – Kunst der Kulturen, Moderne und Gegenwart im Dialog, Deutsche und englische Ausgaben, DuMont Köln, 2001
Adolf Loos, Ins Leere gesprochen, 1897-1900 https://archive.org/details/insleeregesproch00loosuoft
Owen Jones, Grammatik der Ornamente: illustrirt mit Mustern von den verschiedenen Stylarten der Ornamente in hundert und zwölf Tafeln http://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/diglit/jones1856
Alois Riegl, Stilfragen, Wien 1893 http://www.deutschestextarchiv.de/book/show/riegl_stilfragen_1893
Friedrich Ahlers-Hestermann, Stilwende. Aufbruch der Jugend um 1900. Berlin 1941, 2. Aufl. Berlin 1956
Die Form ohne Ornament. Werkbundausstellung 1924. Mit einer Einleitung von Dr. Wolfgang Pfleiderer und einem Vorwort von Dr. Walter Riezler, Stuttgart 1924