305951 seminar in civil law for students writing their doctoral thesis
summer semester 2019 | Last update: 11.07.2019 | Place course on memo list305951
seminar in civil law for students writing their doctoral thesis
SE 2
each semester
Learning how to independently conduct academic research on selected topics, in particular with a view to the writing of a PhD thesis. Presentation of scientific issues and their solutions.
Selected topics of civil law in consideration of current judicature. Discussion of special questions on high scientific level.
Presentations and discussions
presentation and/or a seminar paper
Will be discussed in the first lesson.
LFU-online enrolment. You can find information and documents on OLAT.
Preliminary talk: 04.03.2019 17:00
- Faculty of Law
- Doctor of Philosophy Programme Italian Law/Dottorato di ricerca in materie giuridiche at the University of Innsbruck and the Università degli Studi di Padova according to the Curriculum 2012 (180 ECTS-Credits, 6 Semesters
- Doctoral Programme in Law according to the Curriculum 2012 (180 ECTS-Credits, 6 Semesters)