323222 VU in Labour law and social security law: Recent developments in labor law and social law

summer semester 2019 | Last update: 12.11.2021 Place course on memo list
VU in Labour law and social security law: Recent developments in labor law and social law
VU 2
each semester

To impart an in-depth knowledge of labour law

Actual developements in labour law and social security law

Short presentations , lecture with the possibility for questions and discussions

Vote of oral participation and presentation

Will be discussed in the first lesson

Group 0
Date Time Location
Fri 2019-05-03
13.00 - 17.30 BR 3052 BR 3052 Barrier-free
Sat 2019-05-04
09.00 - 13.30 BR 3052 BR 3052 Barrier-free
Fri 2019-05-31
13.00 - 17.30 BR 3052 BR 3052 Barrier-free
Sat 2019-06-01
09.00 - 13.30 BR 3052 BR 3052 Barrier-free
Sat 2019-06-22
09.00 - 13.00 BR 3052 BR 3052 Barrier-free Prüfungstermin