608435 Media Practice: Journalistic Texts
summer semester 2019 | Last update: 10.05.2019 | Place course on memo listThe seminar seeks to explore recent developments in journalistic writing. According to the new technological possibilities, the journalistic texts change significantly, they become increasingly multimodal. On the other hand, the interaction between journalists and readers takes new forms like online reader´s comments. Moreover, the traditional difference between hard news and meaning become more and more blured.
The seminar consists of two parts. The 1st part, on 24.05.2019, is the theoretical one. It includes lecture, text readings and exercises in small groups. In the meantime (until 14.05.2019) the groups have to build a text corpus including texts of one special text type.
In the 2nd part of the seminar, 14.-15.06.2019, the groups work with their corpora and present the results of the text analysis.
Group work, discussion, lecture
Short presentation, sample analysis, work assignments
Will be discussed in the first lesson.