608808 BA Seminar

summer semester 2019 | Last update: 26.06.2019 Place course on memo list
BA Seminar
SE 1
each semester

Students are able to write their Bachelor's thesis on a sound theoretical and methodolgical basis.

Presentation and reflection of writing projects. First, methodological and theoretical approaches will be discussed on a broad basis. Then, students present and discuss their own works in progress. At the end of the semester, the Bachelor's thesis should be completed.

Oral presentation, joint work (discussion) in class.

Oral presentation, active participation.

To be announced.

Positive completion of ompulsory module 14.

see dates
05.04.2019, 14.00 Uhr - Vorbesprechung, Besprechungsraum der Germanistik/ Zi. 40904/9. Stock Geiwi-Turm