611321 Readings and Text Analysis

summer semester 2019 | Last update: 31.01.2019 Place course on memo list
Readings and Text Analysis
VU 2
each semester

Knowledge of concepts and categories of the analysis of lyrical, dramatic and narrative texts; analysis, interpretation and historical contectualisation of literary texts from different genres end epochs; research methods.

1. concepts and categories of the analysis of lyrical, dramatic and narrative texts; 2. analysis and interpretation and historical contextualisation of literaray texts from different genres and epochs; 3. research methods.

Presentation by the course teacher; exercises; discussion in class; written papers.

Contribution in class; readings; written papers; final exam.

Compulsory readings: 1. Federico García Lorca, La casa de Bernarda Alba, Reclam Rote Reihe (UB 9129); 2. Ramón J. Sender, Réquiem por un campesino español, Reclam Rote Reihe (UB 19750)

Further compulsory readings: see Olat at the beginning of the term.

Further readings: Maximilian Gröne / Rotraud von Kulessa / Fank Reiser: Spanische Literaturwissenschaft: Eine Einführung, Tübingen: Narr 2012; Hartmut Stenzel / Wilfried Floeck / Herbert Fritz: Einführung in die spanische Literaturwissenschaft, Stuttgart: Metzler 2010.

see dates
Group 0
Date Time Location
Tue 2019-03-05
12.00 - 13.30 Mehrzweckraum Mehrzweckraum Barrier-free Induction loops for hearing impaired
Tue 2019-03-12
12.00 - 13.30 Mehrzweckraum Mehrzweckraum Barrier-free Induction loops for hearing impaired
Tue 2019-03-19
12.00 - 13.30 Mehrzweckraum Mehrzweckraum Barrier-free Induction loops for hearing impaired
Tue 2019-03-26
12.00 - 13.30 Mehrzweckraum Mehrzweckraum Barrier-free Induction loops for hearing impaired
Tue 2019-04-02
12.00 - 13.30 Mehrzweckraum Mehrzweckraum Barrier-free Induction loops for hearing impaired
Tue 2019-04-09
12.00 - 13.30 Mehrzweckraum Mehrzweckraum Barrier-free Induction loops for hearing impaired
Tue 2019-04-30
12.00 - 13.30 Mehrzweckraum Mehrzweckraum Barrier-free Induction loops for hearing impaired
Tue 2019-05-07
12.00 - 13.30 Mehrzweckraum Mehrzweckraum Barrier-free Induction loops for hearing impaired
Tue 2019-05-14
12.00 - 13.30 Mehrzweckraum Mehrzweckraum Barrier-free Induction loops for hearing impaired
Tue 2019-05-21
12.00 - 13.30 Mehrzweckraum Mehrzweckraum Barrier-free Induction loops for hearing impaired
Tue 2019-05-28
12.00 - 13.30 Mehrzweckraum Mehrzweckraum Barrier-free Induction loops for hearing impaired
Tue 2019-06-04
12.00 - 13.30 Mehrzweckraum Mehrzweckraum Barrier-free Induction loops for hearing impaired
Tue 2019-06-11
12.00 - 13.30 Mehrzweckraum Mehrzweckraum Barrier-free Induction loops for hearing impaired
Tue 2019-06-18
12.00 - 13.30 Mehrzweckraum Mehrzweckraum Barrier-free Induction loops for hearing impaired
Tue 2019-06-25
12.00 - 13.30 Mehrzweckraum Mehrzweckraum Barrier-free Induction loops for hearing impaired