703641 PS Interactive Theorem Proving

summer semester 2019 | Last update: 29.03.2019 Place course on memo list
PS Interactive Theorem Proving
PS 3
every 2nd year

Students who have completed this module are familiar with the verification of specifications. They know first- and higher-order logics and can carry out structured proofs in those logics and verify them in interactive theorem provers.

Deepened understanding of interactive theorem proving through training with established theore m provers; practicing through case studies of programs from different domains; working on a larger verification project


Continuous evaluation

Will be announced in the course


see dates
Group 0
Date Time Location
Wed 2019-03-06
14.15 - 16.30 rr 22 rr 22
Wed 2019-03-13
14.15 - 16.30 rr 22 rr 22
Wed 2019-03-20
14.15 - 16.30 rr 22 rr 22
Wed 2019-03-27
14.15 - 16.30 rr 22 rr 22
Wed 2019-04-03
14.15 - 16.30 rr 22 rr 22
Wed 2019-04-10
14.15 - 16.30 rr 22 rr 22
Wed 2019-05-08
14.15 - 16.30 rr 22 rr 22
Wed 2019-05-15
14.15 - 16.30 rr 22 rr 22
Wed 2019-05-22
14.15 - 16.30 rr 22 rr 22
Wed 2019-05-29
14.15 - 16.30 rr 22 rr 22
Wed 2019-06-05
14.15 - 16.30 rr 22 rr 22
Wed 2019-06-12
14.15 - 16.30 rr 22 rr 22
Wed 2019-06-19
14.15 - 16.30 rr 22 rr 22