743315 Integrative Freshwater Ecology

summer semester 2019 | Last update: 18.10.2021 Place course on memo list
Integrative Freshwater Ecology
VO 2
every 2nd year

Students will obtain basic knowledge on how ecological properties and processes of aquatic environments, particularly of lakes, relate to the terrestrial ecosystem and the atmosphere, thus obtaining an integrative approach. A central topic in this lecture is the connectivity among chromophoric dissolved organic matter, underwater optical properties, effects of solar ultraviolet radiation, and mechanisms of photoprotection.

Introduction and basic concepts. Relative importance of the atmospheric and underwater 'ozone hole',  optical properties of the aquatic medium.  Sources and characterization of dissolved organic matter (DOM) and interactions between solar radiation and chromophoric DOM. Mechanisms and strategies of UV protection in aquatic organisms.  Effects of solar radiation at different organizational levels (molecular to ecosystemic).

Lecture, assessment is based on a single examination at the end of the course.


Siebeck, O., R. Sommaruga & B. Tartarotti. 2000. Auswirkungen der UV-Strahlung auf  Heterotrophe Aquatische Organismen, p. 243-263. In: Handbuch der Umweltveränderungen und Ökotoxikologie (R Guderian & G. Gunkel Hrsg.) Band 3A Aquatissche Systeme, Springer Verlag, Berlin

Sommaruga, R. 2001. Die Rolle der UV-Strahlung in Binnengewässern. In: Schutz und Ökologie von Seen, (M. Dokulil, A. Hamm & J.-G. Kohl., Hrsg.). UTB Fakultas, Wien.


Knowledge on Aquatic Ecology/Limnology is of advantage, but not mandatory.

Semester introduction for all students in the Master's Programme Ecology+Biodiversity:  Mo 4.3.2019, 11:00 - 12:00, Hörsaal B, Technikerstr. 25.

Group 0
Date Time Location
Mon 2019-03-18
14.15 - 16.00 Seminarraum Biologie (Foyer) Seminarraum Biologie (Foyer) Barrier-free
Tue 2019-03-19
16.15 - 18.15 Seminarraum Biologie (Foyer) Seminarraum Biologie (Foyer) Barrier-free
Wed 2019-03-20
16.15 - 18.15 Seminarraum Biologie (Foyer) Seminarraum Biologie (Foyer) Barrier-free
Tue 2019-03-26
16.15 - 18.15 Seminarraum Biologie (Foyer) Seminarraum Biologie (Foyer) Barrier-free
Wed 2019-03-27
16.15 - 18.15 Seminarraum Biologie (Foyer) Seminarraum Biologie (Foyer) Barrier-free
Thu 2019-03-28
16.15 - 18.00 Seminarraum Biologie (Foyer) Seminarraum Biologie (Foyer) Barrier-free
Mon 2019-04-01
16.15 - 18.15 Seminarraum Biologie (Foyer) Seminarraum Biologie (Foyer) Barrier-free
Wed 2019-04-03
16.15 - 18.15 Seminarraum Biologie (Foyer) Seminarraum Biologie (Foyer) Barrier-free
Tue 2019-04-09
16.15 - 18.15 Seminarraum Biologie (Foyer) Seminarraum Biologie (Foyer) Barrier-free
Wed 2019-04-10
16.15 - 18.15 Seminarraum Biologie (Foyer) Seminarraum Biologie (Foyer) Barrier-free
Thu 2019-04-11
16.15 - 18.00 Seminarraum Biologie (Foyer) Seminarraum Biologie (Foyer) Barrier-free
Mon 2019-05-13
13.30 - 16.00 Seminarraum 1 (ICT-Gebäude) Seminarraum 1 (ICT-Gebäude) Barrier-free Prüfung