800710 AG Study Group: Discursive strategies and visual politics of hegemonic masculinities

summer semester 2019 | Last update: 25.04.2019 Place course on memo list
AG Study Group: Discursive strategies and visual politics of hegemonic masculinities
AG 2
  • Basic understanding of mediatized gender with focussing hegemonic masculinities
  • getting to know critical studies on masculinities as well as their localization in gender studies and their relation to feminist research
  • Ability for independent analytical examination of media-cultural phenomena

According to Raewyn Connell hegemonic masculinities are viewed as configurations of gender-related practices that embody accepted answers to legitimacy issues of patriarchal supremacy at each historical moment. On the basis of diverse media-cultural examples (photographs, movies, television series, magazine covers, Internet forums) discursive strategies and visual politics are worked out by which hegemonic masculinities are negotiated medially as variable modes of privileged positionings in heteronormative gender relations.

  • Structured, text-based group discussions
  • Intensive examination of theoretical foundations and cultural studies analyzes in individual study, in small groups and in plenary sessions
  • Carrying out own analyzes on self-selected examples.
  • group work including presentation
  • short thesis
  • active participation

In addition to basic theoretical texts of critical studies on masculinities, numerous cultural analyzes on hegemonic masculinities are dealt with. The exact literature will be announced and available via OLAT.


If there are any questions please contact gender-studies@uibk.ac.at

Group 0
Date Time Location
Fri 2019-05-03
13.00 - 19.00 50105/2 SR 50105/2 SR Barrier-free
Fri 2019-05-24
14.00 - 19.00 50105/2 SR 50105/2 SR Barrier-free
Sat 2019-05-25
14.00 - 19.00 50105/2 SR 50105/2 SR Barrier-free
Fri 2019-06-14
14.00 - 19.00 50105/2 SR 50105/2 SR Barrier-free
Sat 2019-06-15
14.00 - 19.00 50105/2 SR 50105/2 SR Barrier-free