406507 SE Seminar with Bachelor Thesis

winter semester 2019/2020 | Last update: 07.10.2019 Place course on memo list
SE Seminar with Bachelor Thesis
SE 1
positive completion of the elective course the bachelor thesis is related to in terms of its content. These elective courses are referred to in § 7(2) for management majors
each semester

Information about the progress of the bachelortheses, Discussion of the current results, contents, structure and method.

depending on the specific topic

general introduction presentations of bachelorthesis by participants discussion in the plenum

Prerequisite for participation confirmation: Presentation of the bachelorthesis

depending on the specific topic

see dates
Group 0
Date Time Location
Tue 2019-10-08
14.00 - 17.00 Besprechungsraum RTW Besprechungsraum RTW Barrier-free
Tue 2019-11-12
14.00 - 17.00 Besprechungsraum RTW Besprechungsraum RTW Barrier-free
Tue 2019-12-10
14.00 - 17.00 Besprechungsraum RTW Besprechungsraum RTW Barrier-free
Tue 2020-01-14
14.00 - 17.00 Besprechungsraum RTW Besprechungsraum RTW Barrier-free