408001 VO Introduction to Sociological Perspectives and Approaches
winter semester 2019/2020 | Last update: 12.03.2020 | Place course on memo listStudents will gain a basic sociological knowledge of social actors, institutions and processes. - The lecture offers an overview of the circumstances of sociology’s foundations, history, and concepts as well as core issues and problems (Curriculum, §5; fw).
Basic problems and concepts of sociology, basic theoretical and methodological approaches to sociology
Course examination according to § 7, statute section on "study-law regulations"
Dimbath, Oliver (2011): Einführung in die Soziologie. München: Wilhelm Fink (UTB).
Giddens, Anthony/Fleck, Christian/Egger de Campo, Marianne (32009): Soziologie. Graz; Wien: Nausner & Nausner.
Morel, Julius u.a. (2015): Soziologische Theorie. Abriß der Ansätze ihrer Hauptvertreter, 9. Aufl., München/Wien: Oldenbourg.
Bourdieu, Pierre (2012), Die feinen Unterschiede. Kritik der gesellschaftlichen Urteilskraft, 22. Aufl., Frankfurt a.M.: Suhrkamp
Butler, Judith (1991): Das Unbehagen der Geschlechter, Frankfurt a.M.
Foucault, Michel (2010): Kritik des Regierens. Schriften zur Politik, Berlin: Suhrkamp.
- Faculty of Business and Management
- Bachelor's Programme Management and Economics according to the Curriculum 2007 (180 ECTS-Credits, 6 semesters)
- Diploma Programme International Economic and Business Studies according to the study programme of 2001 (240 ECTS-Credits, 8 semesters)
- Faculty of Social and Political Sciences
- Faculty of Economics and Statistics
- Interdisciplinary and additional courses
Group 0
Date | Time | Location | ||
Tue 2019-10-08
12.00 - 13.45 | Aula (Sowi) Aula (Sowi) | Barrier-free | |
Thu 2019-10-10
12.00 - 13.45 | Aula (Sowi) Aula (Sowi) | Barrier-free | |
Tue 2019-10-15
12.00 - 13.45 | Aula (Sowi) Aula (Sowi) | Barrier-free | |
Tue 2019-10-22
12.00 - 13.45 | Aula (Sowi) Aula (Sowi) | Barrier-free | |
Tue 2019-10-29
12.00 - 13.45 | Aula (Sowi) Aula (Sowi) | Barrier-free | |
Thu 2019-10-31
12.00 - 13.45 | Aula (Sowi) Aula (Sowi) | Barrier-free | |
Tue 2019-11-05
12.00 - 13.45 | Aula (Sowi) Aula (Sowi) | Barrier-free | |
Thu 2019-11-07
12.00 - 13.45 | Aula (Sowi) Aula (Sowi) | Barrier-free | |
Tue 2019-11-12
12.00 - 13.45 | Aula (Sowi) Aula (Sowi) | Barrier-free | |
Thu 2019-11-14
12.00 - 13.45 | Aula (Sowi) Aula (Sowi) | Barrier-free | |
Tue 2019-11-19
12.00 - 13.45 | Aula (Sowi) Aula (Sowi) | Barrier-free | Klausur |
Tue 2019-11-19
12.00 - 13.45 | HS 3 (Sowi) HS 3 (Sowi) | Barrier-free | Klausur |
Tue 2019-12-10
08.00 - 09.45 | HS 3 (Sowi) HS 3 (Sowi) | Barrier-free | Klausur Ersatztermin |
Thu 2020-01-30
12.00 - 13.45 | Aula (Sowi) Aula (Sowi) | Barrier-free | Nachtermin |