418510 VU Worlds of Media of Children and Adolescents

summer semester 2020 | Last update: 15.03.2023 Place course on memo list
VU Worlds of Media of Children and Adolescents
VU 1
every 2 weeks

The knowledge of various models of media literacy enables students to gain insight into the specific profile of media education that meets the requirements of the information society. They analyse and evaluate common learning and edutainment software as well as learning platforms and multimedia learning enviroments with regard to their didactic suitability and clarify their possible applications. Students can assess the educational value of traditional and new media and reflect their relevance in terms of diversity, socioeconomic situations, social class and milieu as well as gender differentiation.

media socialisation, meaning and consequences of growing up in media cultures, media usage of children and adolescents, functions of media for identity and self-concept,

media ethics, risks of activities on the internet, media usage for teaching and learning processes

Introductory lectures, plenary forms of exchange, analysis and discussion of multimedia sources

written exam

Hug, Theo (Hrsg.): Medienpädagogik. Herausforderung für Lernen und Bildung im Medienzeitalter. Innsbruck: University Press (2018)

Tillmann, A., Fleischer, S., Hugger, K.(Hrsg.): Handbuch Kinder und Medien. Springer Verlag (2014)

Angenent, H., Heidkamp-Kergel, B., Kergel, D. (Hrsg.): Digital Diversity. Bildung und Lernen im Kontext gesellschaftlicher Transformationen. Springer Verlag 2019

Will be announced during the first course


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