608290 VU Special Subjects of Conveyance of Literature

summer semester 2020 | Last update: 27.04.2022 Place course on memo list
VU Special Subjects of Conveyance of Literature
VU 2

Authentic insights into literary writing

Based on general observations on the connections of literature und photography, Evelyn Schlag will provide insights in her work and discuss examples of photographic influences in both her poetics and prose.

Lecture, reading, assessment is based on a single examination at the end of the course.

Course examination according to § 7, statute section on "study-law regulations"

to be announced


see dates
Donnerstag, 5.März 2020 8.00-9.00 Uhr, Vorbesprechung, Literaturhaus am Inn/Brennerarchiv
Montag, 20.April 2020 19.00-21.00 Uhr, Lesung, Literaturhaus am Inn/Brennerarchiv
Dienstag, 21.April 2020 11.00-13.00 Uhr, Vorlesung, Teil 1, Literaturhaus am Inn/Brennerarchiv
Dienstag, 21.April 2020 16.00-18.00 Uhr, Vorlesung, Teil 2, Literaturhaus am Inn/Brennerarchiv
Mittwoch, 22.April 2020 11.00-13.00 Uhr, Konversatorium, Literaturhaus am Inn/Brennerarchiv