621043 PS Empirical Methods

summer semester 2020 | Last update: 05.10.2020 Place course on memo list
PS Empirical Methods
PS 2
each semester

After successful completion of the course, students will be able to
- to name and to interpret quality criteria of data acquisition
- to list methods of descriptive statistics, to calculate adequate measures and to clearly  illustrate data
- to list, to apply, and to critically scrutinize basic methods of inferential statistics
This knowledge and these skills are necessary to be able to carry out sport science research.

Basics of quantitative methods in empirical research
Descriptive statistics
Inferential statistics: parametric and non-parametric methods for 2 subgroups/variables
Usage of statistical software package (SPSS, Excel)

Presentation of basic knowledge, exercises, discussion 

Final exam (paper-pencil and PC), completion of assignments, active class participation

Field, A. Discovering statistics using SPSS. London, SAGE Verlag, 2009. ISW-Bibliotheksstandort: V/ 1809.
Bortz, J. Statistik für Human-und Sozialwissenschaftler. Berlin, Springer Verlag, 2010. ISW-Bibliotheksstandort: 621/2047.
Bühner, M., Ziegler M. Statistik für Psychologen und Sozialwissenschaftler. München [u.a.], Pearson Studium, 2009. ISW-Bibliotheksstandort: 621/591.


see dates
  • SDG 4 - Quality education: Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.
Group 0
Date Time Location
Thu 2020-03-05
15.30 - 17.15 S02 S02
Thu 2020-03-12
15.30 - 17.15 USI PC-Raum USI PC-Raum
Thu 2020-03-19
15.30 - 17.15 USI PC-Raum USI PC-Raum
Thu 2020-03-26
15.30 - 17.15 USI PC-Raum USI PC-Raum
Thu 2020-03-26
15.30 - 17.15 S02 S02
Thu 2020-04-02
15.30 - 17.15 USI PC-Raum USI PC-Raum
Thu 2020-04-02
15.30 - 17.15 S02 S02
Thu 2020-04-23
15.30 - 17.15 USI PC-Raum USI PC-Raum
Thu 2020-04-30
15.30 - 17.15 USI PC-Raum USI PC-Raum
Thu 2020-05-07
15.30 - 17.15 USI PC-Raum USI PC-Raum
Thu 2020-05-14
15.30 - 17.15 USI PC-Raum USI PC-Raum
Thu 2020-05-28
15.30 - 17.15 USI PC-Raum USI PC-Raum
Thu 2020-06-04
15.30 - 17.15 USI PC-Raum USI PC-Raum
Thu 2020-06-18
15.30 - 17.15 USI PC-Raum USI PC-Raum
Mon 2020-06-22
15.00 - 16.30 USI PC-Raum USI PC-Raum
Thu 2020-06-25
15.30 - 17.15 USI PC-Raum USI PC-Raum