621111 VU Statistics

summer semester 2020 | Last update: 06.08.2020 Place course on memo list
VU Statistics
VU 3
each semester

Students will be able to select and apply various multivariate ststistical tests

Repetition of Bachelor statistics


Non-parametric Tests

regression, logistic regression

lecture and assigned tasks

written exam and oral exam

Will be discussed in the first lesson.

Due to substantial differences in the allocation of ECTS-Credits in various curricula (teacher training programs/specialized degree programs), the requirements for this course vary. Information will be provided by the instructor at the beginning of the course.




see dates
Group 0
Date Time Location
Thu 2020-03-05
10.30 - 12.15 S02 S02
Tue 2020-03-10
13.00 - 14.00 USI PC-Raum USI PC-Raum
Thu 2020-03-12
10.30 - 12.15 S02 S02
Tue 2020-03-17
13.00 - 14.00 USI PC-Raum USI PC-Raum
Tue 2020-03-24
13.00 - 14.00 USI PC-Raum USI PC-Raum
Thu 2020-03-26
10.30 - 12.15 S02 S02
Tue 2020-03-31
13.00 - 14.00 USI PC-Raum USI PC-Raum
Thu 2020-04-02
10.30 - 12.15 S02 S02
Tue 2020-04-21
13.00 - 14.00 USI PC-Raum USI PC-Raum
Thu 2020-04-23
10.30 - 12.15 S02 S02
Tue 2020-04-28
13.00 - 14.00 USI PC-Raum USI PC-Raum
Thu 2020-04-30
10.30 - 12.15 S02 S02
Tue 2020-05-05
13.00 - 14.00 USI PC-Raum USI PC-Raum
Thu 2020-05-07
10.30 - 12.15 S02 S02
Tue 2020-05-12
13.00 - 14.00 USI PC-Raum USI PC-Raum
Thu 2020-05-14
10.30 - 12.15 S02 S02
Tue 2020-05-19
13.00 - 14.00 USI PC-Raum USI PC-Raum
Tue 2020-05-26
13.00 - 14.00 USI PC-Raum USI PC-Raum
Thu 2020-05-28
10.30 - 12.15 S02 S02
Tue 2020-06-02
13.00 - 14.00 USI PC-Raum USI PC-Raum
Thu 2020-06-04
10.30 - 12.15 S02 S02
Tue 2020-06-09
13.00 - 14.00 USI PC-Raum USI PC-Raum
Tue 2020-06-16
13.00 - 14.00 USI PC-Raum USI PC-Raum
Tue 2020-06-23
13.00 - 14.00 USI PC-Raum USI PC-Raum