622023 UE Historical Excursion: Munich - recent developments in memory culture and politics of memory

summer semester 2020 | Last update: 13.07.2020 Place course on memo list
UE Historical Excursion: Munich - recent developments in memory culture and politics of memory
UE 1
each semester

Acquisition of knowledge on the different forms of historic display and the skills to present historic relations on site and to deconstruct display formats.

Critical dealing with different sources and different ways of presentation; Future historians are meant to be prepared for independently organising, conducting and wrapping-up excursions, an important aspect of their future professional practice.

Reading, presentations (in situ) with paper, written paper, discussion; teacher’s lecture.

Course with continuous performance assessment: permanent participation, comments, presentation and written paper, final paper (ca. 3 pages), reading assignment exam.

Gavriel D. Rosenfeld, Munich and Memory. Architecture, Monuments, and the Legacy of the Third Reich, Berkeley – Los Angeles – London 2000; James E. Young, Formen des Erinnerns. Gedenkstätten des Holocaust, Wien 1997

The attendance of the corresponding excursion 622022 is mandatory.

Group 0
Date Time Location
Tue 2020-09-15
08.00 - 18.00 Hörsaal 3 Hörsaal 3 Barrier-free Sommerlehre