714819 VU IR spectroscopy for materials and nanoscience
summer semester 2020 | Last update: 07.05.2019 | Place course on memo liststudents understand the principles of vibrational spectroscopy and are able to perform IR spectroscopic measurements and interprete IR spectra
theoretical background of vibrational spectroscopy and practical work with the IR-spectrometer
the theoretical background is introduced by lectures and the theory is illustrated by practical exercises with the IR spectrometer. Students perform measurements of selected samples under supervision and interprete the results.
written examination
Amthauer, G., Pavicevic, M.K. (2001): Physikalisch-chemische Untersuchungsmethoden in den Geowissenschaften (Band 2), Schweizerbart, Stuttgart
Beran, A., Libowitzky, E. (2004): Spectroscopic Methods in Mineralogy, EMU Notes in Mineralogy, (Band 6), Eötvös University Press, Budapest
Griffiths, P.R, de Haseth, J.A. (2007): Fourier transform infrared spectrometry. John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, New Jersey