124386 Spanish Basic Level III (A2)

winter semester 2020/2021 | Last update: 08.10.2020 Place course on memo list
Spanish Basic Level III (A2)
UE 3
each semester

Prerequisites: A1+
Goal: A2

At this level the learner can understand sentences and frequently used expressions related to areas of most immediate relevance – e.g. personal and family information, shopping, work, immediate environment; he/she can communicate in routine situations of information exchange on familiar and routine matters; he/she can describe in simple terms aspects of their background, education, immediate environment and matters in areas of immediate need.

in a city; historical events and dates; living; biographies

Linguistic Goals:

to ask for the way; to provide/ obtain information; to compare things with each other; to agree with someone/something; to refuse something; to express advantages/disadvantages; to express one’s opinion; to assess something; to reconstruct a story


Structural Goals:

the comparative of adjectives  - to compare different things with each other and to compare them; relative clause; preterito indefinido – to describe an event that happened in the past; imperative – to give orders/advices; preterito imperfecto – to describe habits/conditions in the past

interactive language instruction
written and oral mid term test (testing of writing, listening and reading comprehension) and final test (testing of writing, listening and reading comprehension and speaking/dialogues)

Universo.ele A2, Kurs- und Arbeitsbuch, units 11-14 (Hueber Verlag)

see dates
  • SDG 4 - Quality education: Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.
Group 0
Date Time Location
Tue 2020-10-13
14.30 - 17.15 Online-Unterricht Online-Unterricht
Tue 2020-10-20
14.30 - 17.15 Online-Unterricht Online-Unterricht
Tue 2020-10-27
14.30 - 17.15 Online-Unterricht Online-Unterricht
Tue 2020-11-03
14.30 - 17.15 Online-Unterricht Online-Unterricht
Tue 2020-11-10
14.30 - 17.15 Online-Unterricht Online-Unterricht
Tue 2020-11-17
14.30 - 17.15 Online-Unterricht Online-Unterricht
Tue 2020-11-24
14.30 - 17.15 Online-Unterricht Online-Unterricht
Tue 2020-12-01
14.30 - 17.15 Online-Unterricht Online-Unterricht
Tue 2020-12-15
14.30 - 17.15 Online-Unterricht Online-Unterricht
Tue 2021-01-12
14.30 - 17.00 Online-Unterricht Online-Unterricht
Tue 2021-01-19
14.30 - 17.00 Online-Unterricht Online-Unterricht
Tue 2021-01-26
14.30 - 17.00 Online-Unterricht Online-Unterricht
Tue 2021-02-02
14.30 - 17.00 Online-Unterricht Online-Unterricht