437221 SE Seminar with Bachelor Thesis
winter semester 2020/2021 | Last update: 02.09.2020 | Place course on memo list437221
SE Seminar with Bachelor Thesis
SE 1
positive completion of the elective course the bachelor thesis is related to in terms of its content. These elective courses are referred to in § 7(2) for management majors
each semester
Writing and presentation of the bachelor thesis within a seminar lecture.
Independent writing of a thesis within the management domain (see §11), which fulfills the requirements of high quality scientific work.
Continuous assessment (based on regular written and/or oral contribution by participants).
Course examination according to § 7, statute section on "study-law regulations"
Will be discussed in the first lesson.
Positive Beurteilung des Wahlmoduls gemäß § 7 Abs. 2 bei der Vertiefungsrichtung Betriebswirtschaft bzw. des Wahlmoduls gemäß § 7 Abs. 2 bei der Vertiefungsrichtung Voklswirtschaft, dem der inhaltliche Schwerpunkt der Bachelorarbeit zuzuordnen ist.
The content of the bachelor thesis is in the field of business informatics.
siehe LV. Nr. 437220, SR 10 und eLecture
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