626202 PS Learning and Teaching in the Context of Diversity

winter semester 2020/2021 | Last update: 20.08.2020 Place course on memo list
PS Learning and Teaching in the Context of Diversity
PS 1
not applicable

The graduates of this module have advanced knowledge of learning and teaching in the context

of diversity in its school-relevant importance and in the field of educational psychology.

They are able to be aware of the challenges of stereotype attributions and treat them in a reflected

manner. Their knowledge of social and cultural contexts allows them to recognize and

consider possibilities and boundaries of their action.

They possess theoretical and practical knowledge to shape social relationships and cooperative

work forms in heterogeneous learning groups.

The graduates of this module have advanced insights into professional research and development

of school and teaching as well as school quality.

In-depth treatment with the topics of the lecture: action-oriented treatment

of exemplary school-practical examples, conscious and reflective dealing

with one’s own stereotype allocations, methods to shape social relationships

and cooperative work forms in heterogeneous learning groups.

Discussion of scientific content of the lecture and cooperative learning in a variety of forms of work

Continual evaluation of performance throughout the course. Evaluation is based on oral, written and practical aspects.

Successful completion of module 1