703020 VO Database Systems

winter semester 2020/2021 | Last update: 22.01.2021 Place course on memo list
VO Database Systems
VO 3
Graduates of this module know and understand the concepts of database systems and are able to adapt these concepts. In addition they are able to formulate queries on these concepts on the logical, conceptual and physical layer.

Entity-Relationship-Model; foundations of relational database systems; relational algebra; SQL; normal forms; internal structure of database systems, physical data organisation and B-trees; transaction concepts; recovery; column-stores, in-memory database systems; current approaches

Lecture, assessment is based on a single examination at the end of the course.

written exam at the end of the semester

  • A. Kemper, A. Eickler: Datenbanksysteme – Eine Einführung, De Gruyter, Oldenbourg-Verlag, 10. Aufl. 2015
  • R. Elmasri, S. B. Navathe: Grundlagen von Datenbanksystemen, Pearson Studium, 3. Aufl. 2009
  • G. Saake, K. Sattler, A. Heuer: Datenbanken - Konzepte und Sprachen, mitp, 5. Aufl. 2013
  • G. Vossen: Datenmodelle, Datenbanksprachen und Datenbankmanagement-Systeme, Addison-Wesley, 4. Aufl. 2008
  • T. Kudraß: Taschenbuch Datenbanken, Hanser, 2. Aufl. 2015
see dates
Group 0
Date Time Location
Tue 2020-10-06
10.15 - 12.00 Gr. HS Gr. HS Barrier-free
Wed 2020-10-07
14.15 - 15.00 HS A (Technik) HS A (Technik) Barrier-free
Tue 2020-10-13
10.15 - 12.00 Gr. HS Gr. HS Barrier-free
Wed 2020-10-14
14.15 - 15.00 HS A (Technik) HS A (Technik) Barrier-free
Tue 2020-10-20
10.15 - 12.00 Gr. HS Gr. HS Barrier-free
Wed 2020-10-21
14.15 - 15.00 HS A (Technik) HS A (Technik) Barrier-free
Tue 2020-10-27
10.15 - 12.00 Gr. HS Gr. HS Barrier-free
Wed 2020-10-28
14.15 - 15.00 HS A (Technik) HS A (Technik) Barrier-free
Tue 2020-11-03
10.15 - 12.00 Gr. HS Gr. HS Barrier-free
Wed 2020-11-04
14.15 - 15.00 HS A (Technik) HS A (Technik) Barrier-free
Tue 2020-11-10
10.15 - 12.00 Gr. HS Gr. HS Barrier-free
Wed 2020-11-11
14.15 - 15.00 HS A (Technik) HS A (Technik) Barrier-free
Tue 2020-11-17
10.15 - 12.00 Gr. HS Gr. HS Barrier-free
Wed 2020-11-18
14.15 - 15.00 HS A (Technik) HS A (Technik) Barrier-free
Tue 2020-11-24
10.15 - 12.00 Gr. HS Gr. HS Barrier-free
Wed 2020-11-25
14.15 - 15.00 HS A (Technik) HS A (Technik) Barrier-free
Tue 2020-12-01
10.15 - 12.00 Gr. HS Gr. HS Barrier-free
Wed 2020-12-09
14.15 - 15.00 HS A (Technik) HS A (Technik) Barrier-free
Tue 2020-12-15
10.15 - 12.00 Gr. HS Gr. HS Barrier-free
Wed 2020-12-16
14.15 - 15.00 HS A (Technik) HS A (Technik) Barrier-free
Tue 2021-01-12
10.15 - 12.00 Gr. HS Gr. HS Barrier-free
Wed 2021-01-13
14.15 - 15.00 HS A (Technik) HS A (Technik) Barrier-free
Tue 2021-01-19
10.15 - 12.00 Gr. HS Gr. HS Barrier-free
Wed 2021-01-20
14.15 - 15.00 HS A (Technik) HS A (Technik) Barrier-free
Tue 2021-01-26
10.15 - 12.00 Gr. HS Gr. HS Barrier-free
Wed 2021-01-27
14.15 - 15.00 HS A (Technik) HS A (Technik) Barrier-free
Tue 2021-02-02
10.15 - 12.00 Gr. HS Gr. HS Barrier-free