800902 SE Gender in/of Science

winter semester 2020/2021 | Last update: 08.10.2020 Place course on memo list
SE Gender in/of Science
SE 2

Students will gain an introductory knowledge of gender in/of science from the point of view of critical feminist epistemology. They will get a sense in which the predominance of androcentric structures in the science sectors results in formal and informal exclusion of women and other classes and ethnicities. They will learn to pose gender specific questions and methods for the purpose of applying these to their own research/project proposals.

The seminar “gender in/of science will introduce students firstly into theories and methods in gender/science studies in a comparative, interdisciplinary perspective. Secondly it will introduce students to the legal framework of gender-mainstreaming and equip students with basic hands-on tools of gender in science for their own research and project applications.

Introduction to “gender in/of science”; contributions by the students (study groups).

Regular and active attendance, constructive participation in the discussions, short investigations, short written assignment, study diary.

Will be indicated in the first session.


to be announced
Group 0
Date Time Location
Fri 2020-10-09
09.00 - 18.00 eLecture - online eLecture - online
Fri 2020-11-27
09.00 - 18.00 eLecture - online eLecture - online
Fri 2021-01-15
09.00 - 18.00 eLecture - online eLecture - online