800908 SE Successful Presentations in English
winter semester 2020/2021 | Last update: 05.02.2024 | Place course on memo list800908
SE Successful Presentations in English
SE 2
Presenting successfully by focussing on clear sturcture, authentic techniques of communication and rhetoric, effective use of PowerPoint or other visuals and successful nonverbal commucation.
The training provides students with all general guidelines for successfully handling presentations as well as language or culture-specific aspects of presenting in English:
- structure of a presentation
- rhetorical sturctures
- interaction with PowerPoint
- tips for designing PowerPoint slides
- body language and positioning
- feedback on a prepared presentation
The combination of general presentation techniques with an English-speaking seminar provides an ideal basis for presentations in native or foreign languages.
- trainer input
- impromptu exercises
- analysis of a previously prepared presentation
- extensive feedback.
Combined (participation in class, presentation).
Mario Klarer. Präsentieren auf Englisch. 6. Aufl. München: Redline, 2019.
Mario Klarer. Meetings auf Englisch. München: Redline, 2007.
Ranking of Regitration: First come, first serve.
see dates
- Interdisciplinary and additional courses