820001 WS Teaching in Higher Education

winter semester 2020/2021 | Last update: 07.10.2021 Place course on memo list
WS Teaching in Higher Education
WS 1
not applicable
not applicable

At the end of the two-day workshop students will be familiar with the legal framework of teaching in higher education have developed a mode of assessment for the module you are teaching have prepared your course and some lessons by using goal- and competence oriented planning tools.

  • Legal foundations
  • Teaching in Higher Education

Please schedule about 4 working hours before the basic training. In order to increase the effectiveness students will receive some tasks to be completed by e-mail. This input will be very much appreciated and provides an important basis for the training. In class will be used introduction, single and group work, presentation, discussion and case studies.

  • Planning and discussion of own teaching concept
  • Regular and active attendance

Ongoing employment contract at the University of Innsbruck with teaching hours of more than 20% as well as self-dependent teaching activity, teaching assignment for the subsequent semester.

Please contact the “Personalentwicklung” office (Human Resources Development) to arrange a meeting for further information. Mag. Ingrid Augenstein, extension 20442, email: Ingrid.Augenstein@uibk.ac.at

see dates
  • SDG 4 - Quality education: Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.