825155 EP Entwurfsstudio 1

Wintersemester 2020/2021 | Stand: 14.09.2021 LV auf Merkliste setzen
EP Entwurfsstudio 1
EP 5
keine Angabe

Die Studierenden können architektonische Konzepte selbstständig formulieren und umsetzen. Sie können ihre Entwürfe überzeugend kommunizieren, detailliert darstellen und innerhalb des jeweiligen theoretischen oder gestalterischen Kontexts positionieren.

>>“Digital readymades 2"
Housing: digital manufacturing

Articulating an answer for the question “What is architecture?” is usually easier when the arguments come from the own discipline. The problem begins when we try to legitimate architecture that emerges from transdisciplinary premises. 

The aim of these course is to set a transdisciplinary methodology that allow us to address novel conditions for architecture. Departing from a formal discourse and targeting the definition of the architectural object as the center of our investigation. According to the terminology defined by Saul Fisher on Philosophy of Architecture, architectural object “refers generally to the basic creative output of architects, in any (unspecified) form. This is in parallel with the term “art objects” in use, across aesthetics and philosophy of art, to refer to objects created by artists independent of the artform and without regard to ontological or other discussions where other terms may evoke one or another particular stance.” 

This parallelism between Art and Architecture in not random because art, modernist art went through a similar period, 100 years ago, in which artist questioned the art object. Marcel Duchamp articulated the idea of Readymades to question what he called “the retinal art”. The consequences of those readymades were the dehumanization of the work of art, the begin of conceptual art to the detriment of style or taste, a shift into the narratives associated to the art piece and the importance of the context.

“Modernism is a state of mind. It describes the change that took place sometime in the 19th century in man’s attitude toward his physical world and its artifacts - aesthetic, cultural, social, economic, philosophical, and scientific. It can be interpreted as a critique of the formally humanist, anthropocentric attitude, which viewed man as an all-powerful, all-rational being at the center of his physical world. 

In arts other than architecture, where modernism has signaled a profound change, it is fairly easy to distinguish a condition of objecthood and sign which can be labeled “modernist.” In each case, this condition is characterized above all by the object’s tendency to be self-referential.” Peter Eisenman, Aspects of modernism maison dom-ino and the self-referential sign.

Focusing on the theories of Duchamp we will be able to deploy an argument what give us ground to legitimize an architectural object.

We are going to work with pastry, bread, cakes, cookies, anything you can find in a bakery.

>> The digital Readymade: Take a unique work of architecture and treated it like a mass-produced utilitarian object.

During the development of the design exercises each student was able to identify a particular field of interest and position themselves within the discipline creating certain dialog with iconic pieces of architecture. In order to establish a “fair” dialog we need to read that iconic architecture within the same logics that we developed in the exercise 1.

When using transdisciplinary approach to architecture always raises the question of legitimization. As manner of proof, archetypes have been used to conquer foreign geometries.

Lehrveranstaltungsprüfung gemäß § 7 Satzungsteil, Studienrechtliche Bestimmungen.

Wird im Rahmen der ersten Lehrveranstaltung besprochen.

Informationen zur Anmeldung zu den Entwurfsstudio Lehrveranstaltungen finden Sie unter: https://www.uibk.ac.at/fakultaeten-servicestelle/standorte/technikerstrasse/studium.html/

Themenvorstellung hier

Erster Termin 14. Oktober 2020, 09.00 Uhr

  • SDG 11 - Nachhaltige Städte und Gemeinden: Städte und Siedlungen inklusiv, sicher, widerstandsfähig und nachhaltig gestalten
  • SDG 15 - Leben an Land: Landökosysteme schützen, wiederherstellen und ihre nachhaltige Nutzung fördern, Wälder nachhaltig bewirtschaften, Wüstenbildung bekämpfen, Bodendegradation beenden und umkehren und dem Verlust der biologischen Vielfalt ein Ende setzen