305222 UE Tutorial in Civil Law including Conflict of Laws (intensive course)

summer semester 2021 | Last update: 26.01.2021 Place course on memo list
UE Tutorial in Civil Law including Conflict of Laws (intensive course)
UE 2
each semester

Methodology and practice of solving civil law cases in preparation of the written exam.

In preparation of the written exam in Civil Law incl. Conflicts of Law, an introduction into the basics of writing exams is followed by four written in-class exams, all of which are held on the same day and time for all tutorials (on Thursdays at 5:15 p.m., namely on March 26, April 23, May 7 and 28). All exams are followed by an extensive discussion of the case; however, only students who took part in the actual exam are allowed to participate in the following discussion.

The first exam will be 90 minutes long and cover only limited, pre-defined segment of the subject. It shall serve to test one’s one abilities, has to be corrected and assessed by the students themselves and does not count for the final grade.

Of the remaining three exams, two have to be graded with at least a pass. However, if a student passes a written diploma exam, this can compensate a negative grade of one of the in-class exams in order to still successfully complete this tutorial.

The first of these three graded exams lasts two full hours (with limited subjects covered as announced in class).

The last two exams follow the model of the written part of the diploma exam both in duration and content; they are therefore three hours long and cover the entire subject. The final in-class exam will be written in time before the June date of the diploma exam.

Since this tutorial is designed to specifically prepare for the written part of the diploma exam, it is indispensable to prepare for each session in advance on the basis of standard textbooks. Also, active participation in class is required in addition to taking part in all four in-class exams.

Presentation, interactive discussion of cases.

In order to successfully complete this course, it is necessary to regularly attend all sessions and to pass at least two of three graded exams (see content).

Students who participate in all three graded in-class exams can opt to not have their final grade inserted into the university register.

Standard textbooks of civil law as well as a current text edition of the civil code and accompanying statutes.

Maximum number of students: 20. Only one such tutorial can be attended per semester, the registration will be finalized after the end of the registration deadline (February 21, 2020).

It is highly recommended to also participate in the class „AG working group on legal studies“ (# 305.271) at the end of February 2021.

Group 0
Date Time Location
Mon 2021-03-08
09.00 - 11.30 online (Zivilrecht) online (Zivilrecht)
Mon 2021-03-15
09.00 - 11.30 online (Zivilrecht) online (Zivilrecht)
Mon 2021-03-22
09.00 - 11.30 online (Zivilrecht) online (Zivilrecht)
Thu 2021-03-25
17.15 - 18.45 online (Zivilrecht) online (Zivilrecht) 1. Klausur
Mon 2021-04-12
09.00 - 11.30 online (Zivilrecht) online (Zivilrecht) Besprechung 1. Klausur
Thu 2021-04-22
17.15 - 19.15 online (Zivilrecht) online (Zivilrecht) 2. Klausur
Mon 2021-04-26
09.00 - 11.30 online (Zivilrecht) online (Zivilrecht) Besprechung 2. Klausur
Thu 2021-05-06
17.15 - 20.15 Hörsaal 4 Hörsaal 4 Barrier-free Induction loops for hearing impaired 3. Klausur - Präsenztermin
Thu 2021-05-06
17.15 - 20.15 Hörsaal 7 Hörsaal 7 Barrier-free 3. Klausur - Präsenztermin
Mon 2021-05-10
09.00 - 11.30 online (Zivilrecht) online (Zivilrecht) Besprechung 3. Klausur
Thu 2021-05-27
17.15 - 20.15 Hörsaal 7 Hörsaal 7 Barrier-free 4. Klausur - Präsenztermin
Thu 2021-05-27
17.15 - 20.15 Hörsaal 4 Hörsaal 4 Barrier-free Induction loops for hearing impaired 4. Klausur - Präsenztermin
Mon 2021-05-31
09.00 - 11.30 online (Zivilrecht) online (Zivilrecht) Besprechung 4. Klausur