306006 VO European civil procedure law and international arbitration
summer semester 2021 | Last update: 12.05.2021 | Place course on memo listKnowledge of the relevant provisions.
Mainly the sources of the european civil procedure law (especially Brussels I-regulation, Brussels IIa-regulation, European Order for Payment Procedure and European Small Claims Procedure) and their general provisions are going to be treated as well as the important international procedural provisions in the Austrian law and moreover the basis of international arbitration law.
Lecture with inclusion of the participants.
Oral examination.
Current edition of the Jurisdiktionsnorm, the Austrian Civil Procedure Act and the sources of the european law (for example Kodex Zivilgerichtliches Verfahren); Mayr, Europäisches Zivilprozessrecht (2011). Special literature is going to be announced in each case it is required.
Basic knowledge of Austrian civil procedure law.
- Faculty of Law
- Master's Programme Business Law according to the curriculum 2016 (120 ECTS-Credits, 4 semesters)
- Diploma Programme Law according to the Curriculum 2001
- III. Law - Integrated Programme according to the Curriculum 2018
- Diploma Programme Business Law according to the curriculum 2003 (C 115)