603830 VO Concepts of Intercultural and Diversity-Orientated Education

summer semester 2021 | Last update: 01.04.2021 Place course on memo list
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Erol Yildiz Univ.-Prof. Dr. Erol Yildiz, +43 512 507 30100, +43 512 507 40042
VO Concepts of Intercultural and Diversity-Orientated Education
VO 2

The students are able to cope with different knowledge about migration and education. They learn to reflect on living in the globalizationand aquire the skills to evaluate the knew knowledge with regard to pedagogical settings in the migration society.

We will discuss about the history and concepts of migration discourses in the field of migration. Our main topics are dealing with the living conditions in the migration society and what we are doing in pedagogical situations, when it comes to experiences with migration. One of the concepts, which will be part of the presentations in the lecture is diversity. Furthermore we reconstruct ideas towards (post)migration, diversity and education.

Possible topics:

Migration and cultural difference hypothesis

Dual thinking

Intercultural pedagogy

Transcultural pedagogy

Pedagogy of the multiplicity

Postmigrant perspectives

Lectures, discussion and critical examination of selected topics

Blended Learning


Will be announced in the lecture.

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