622017 VU Scientific Spezialisation: The german debate about Achille Mbembe in context - highlights on culture of remembrance and politics of memory in the 21st century

summer semester 2021 | Last update: 10.02.2021 Place course on memo list
VU Scientific Spezialisation: The german debate about Achille Mbembe in context - highlights on culture of remembrance and politics of memory in the 21st century
VU 2
each semester

Students have a command of the topics dealt with in the courses and are able to contextualize and interpret the acquired factual knowledge. They are confident in recognizing of relationships and in structuring historic routines and processes.

The 2020 primarily in Germany pursued debate around the cameroonian historian Achille Mbembe is highlighting the culture of remembrance and politics of memory in the 21st century. This course will be analysing and discussing with experts from varying disciplines as part of a lecture series.

Lecture and discussions

Course with continuous performance assessment. Successful completion of the course requires several smaller written work assignments. Students will need to pass a final written exam to successfully complete the course.

Will be presented at the beginning of the course. 


This course is also considered equivalent to the lecture Basiswissen Zeitgeschichte  I or II for students of the curriculum BA of History ( 2009) and LA GSP (Diplom). A reduced workload will be applied in this case.
