640030 VO Concepts of Gender - Theories of Gender
summer semester 2021 | Last update: 26.02.2021 | Place course on memo listThe students assess a historical overview on femininity, manliness and gender relations in different times. They know perspectives on gender and body history and the theoretical impacts of these perspectives. They are able to reflect women´s movements and social movements within a broader historical context.
The lecture provides an historical overview on different conceptions of gender, femininity and manliness. To that historical sources from antiquity to present are analysed with focus on power relation, social organization and its control.
Lecture with possibility of discussion
Written exam at the end of the term.
Will be presented in the first lesson.
Due to substantial differences in the allocation of ECTS-Credits in various curricula, the requirements for this course vary. Information will be provided by the instructor at the beginning of the course.
- Faculty of Social and Political Sciences
- Faculty of Philosophy and History
- Master's Programme Philosophy according to the curriculum 2010 (120 ECTS-Credits, 4 semesters)
- Master's Programme Music Studies according to the curriculum 2012 (120 ECTS-Credits, 4 Semesters)
- Master's Programme Ancient History and Ancient Oriental Studies according to the curriculum 2009 (120 ECTS-Credits, 4 semesters)
- Master's Programme Archaeological Studies according to the curriculum 2009 (120 ECTS-Credits, 4 semesters)
- Master's Programme European Ethnology according to the curriculum 2009 (120 ECTS-Credits, 4 semesters)
- Master's Programme History according to the curriculum 2009 (120 ECTS-Credits, 4 semesters)
- Master's Programme Art Science according to the curriculum 2009 (120 ECTS-Credits, 4 semesters)
- Teacher training programme History, Social Studies and Civic Studies according to the curriculum 2001
- Faculty of Teacher Education
- SDG 5 - Gender equality: Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls.