645307 UE Sources and Studies in Economic and Social History

summer semester 2021 | Last update: 07.12.2020 Place course on memo list
UE Sources and Studies in Economic and Social History
UE 1
every 2 weeks
each semester

Skills in the critical handling of photographic sources and representations as well as the competence to present the newly acquired knowledge in oral and/or written form; ability to apply relevant visual research methods 

Contextualization and analysis of photographs as historical sources; introduction to methodological skills in the scientific approach to photographs, collaborative development of historical-scientific questions, historical images and historical narratives on photographs.

Active participation, practical exercises, group work, discussions of central statements and of actual situations.

Compulsory attendance, students must: work actively in class, execute independently the practical exercises, and write the final testat the end of term.

Other titles will be announced at the various units of the lecture.

see dates