645308 UE Sources and Studies in Economic and Social History

summer semester 2021 | Last update: 24.11.2020 Place course on memo list
UE Sources and Studies in Economic and Social History
UE 1
each semester

Consolidation and extension of the understanding of various aspects of craft guild and handcraft history.

Possibilities of interpretation regarding their meaningfulness and epistemic value will be examined by means of selected documents of craft guild and handicraft history.

Active participation, practical exercises, group work, discussions of central statements and of actual situations.

Compulsory attendance, students must: work actively in class, execute independently the practical exercises, and write the final testat the end of term.

Elisabeth Dietrich, Wolfgang Meixner, Quellenstudium in der historischen Forschung, in: Theo Hug (Hg.), Wie kommt Wissenschaft zu Wissen? Bd. 1: Einführung in das wissenschaftliche Arbeiten, Hohengehren 2001, S. 127-143.

Bettina Heintz, Welterzeugung durch Zahlen. Modelle politischer Differenzierung in internationalen Statistiken, 1948-2010, in: Soziale Systeme 18 (2012), Heft 1+2, S. 7-39.

Martin, Lengwiler, Zahlen als Argument: Quantifizierende Methoden in der historischen Forschung, in: Martin Lengwiler, Praxisbuch Geschichte: Einführung in die historischen Methoden, Zürich: Orell Füssli 2011, S. 153-176.

Ernst Pitz, Entstehung und Umfang statistischer Quellen in der vorindustriellen Zeit, in: Historische Zeitschrift 223 (1976), Heft 1, S. 1-39.

Helmut Thome, Grundkurs Statistik für Historiker. Teil I: Deskriptive Statistik, in: Historical Social Research. Supplement vol. 2 (1989).

Additional titles will be announced at the various units of the lecture and in the seminar apparatus.

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