645620 VU Cultural Dynamics and Pluralisation: Cultures of flirting. From the Ars Amatoria to Pickup-Artists
summer semester 2021 | Last update: 23.02.2021 | Place course on memo listThe students are familiar with different manifestations of flirting cultures and can analyse them with the help of cultural studies approaches and place them in historical as well as social contexts in the context of the development of gender relations.
In his Ars amatoria, the Roman poet Ovid gives concrete tips for initiating erotic relationships. Since then, countless novels, extensive advice literature, works of art, films, series, and most recently coaching, online communities, apps and dating portals have been dedicated to this topic. In the seminar, we will use fictional and non-fictional sources and cultural studies as well as feminist theories to trace the lines of development of flirting cultures and rituals and their discursivisation and relate them to gender roles, norms and social structures. One focus will be on current dynamics and practices, i.e. on transformations and upheavals in the context of the transition from the patriarchal to the flexibilised gender order and the associated differentiations and implications (for example phenomena such as "true love waits" or "incels").
Reading and joint analysis of sources, inputs from the lecturer, presentations, excursions
Regular participation, preparatory seminar reading, presentation and accordant term paper.
- Bartlett, Alison/Clarke, Kyra/Cover, Rob (2019): Flirting in the era of #MeToo: negotiating intimacy. Cham: palgrave macmillan.
- Dombrowski, Julia (2014): Die Suche nach der Liebe im Netz. Eine Ethnographie des Online-Datings. Bielefeld: transcript.
- Sprecher, Susan/Wenzel, Amy/Harvey, John (Hg.) (2008): Handbook of Relationship Initiation. New York: Psychology Press.
- Treskow, Nikolai de (1997): Die Hohe Kunst der Verführung. Liebe und Lust nach den Spielregeln der mittelalterlichen Minne. Frankfurt am Main: Campus-Verlag.