800704 AG Study Group: The coloniality of gender and possibilities of decolonization

summer semester 2021 | Last update: 26.01.2021 Place course on memo list
AG Study Group: The coloniality of gender and possibilities of decolonization
AG 2

Knowledge is provided that highlights racism in the context of its emergence. Knowledge about colonialism is imparted. Theories of decolonial theorists are taught, as well as the consideration of the category gender in this context. The goal is a transfer to own projects and perspectives.

Colonial continuities can be observed worldwide. Whether it is neo-colonial exploitative, economic and ecological North-South relations, or the hegemonic knowledge that is repeatedly produced in the countries that imperialistically and colonialistically shaped the world order. Moreover, sciences, culture, and even everyday life are not free of this ongoing history. Gender studies is also more or less intertwined in it. On the one hand in knowledge practices and on the other hand Maria Lugones (2016) speaks of the "coloniality of gender". In the seminar, we will address precisely these perspectives. We will ask what is meant by the keyword coloniality (Quijano). We will consider how to decolonize the understanding of gender, but also gender studies as a whole. The goal will be to make small projects where the main point will be to decolonize perspectives.

Text reading and creative design

Presentation of the projects

Lugones, Maria (2007): Heterosexualism and the Colonial/Modern Gender System. Hypatia. Volume 22 , Issue 1: Special Issue: Writing Against Heterosexism , pp. 186 – 219
Rosalba Icaza (2017) Social Struggles and the Coloniality of Gender, in Robbie Shilliam and Olivia Rutazibwa, eds. Routledge Handbook of PostcolonialPolitics, London, UK.
Lugones, Maria (2016): The Coloniality of Gender. Palgrave Handbook of Gender and Development. S.13-33
Kastner, Jens (2018): Die Kolonialität der Macht. Wiener Zeitung. 15.06.2018
Quintero, Pablo; Garbe, Sebastian (Hg.)Kolonialität der Macht. Unrast Verlag.
Aníbal Quijano (2019): Kolonialität der Macht, Eurozentrismus und Lateinamerika: Turia und Kant


If there are any questions please contact gender-studies@uibk.ac.at

Group 0
Date Time Location
Fri 2021-03-12
16.00 - 18.00 eLecture - online eLecture - online Vorbesprechung
Fri 2021-04-16
13.00 - 18.00 eLecture - online eLecture - online
Sat 2021-04-17
10.00 - 17.00 eLecture - online eLecture - online
Fri 2021-04-23
13.00 - 18.00 eLecture - online eLecture - online
Sat 2021-04-24
10.00 - 17.00 eLecture - online eLecture - online