844128 UE Strength of Materials 1
summer semester 2021 | Last update: 27.05.2021 | Place course on memo listMastery of the determination of the tensions and malformations of deformable solid bodies, especially of poles, following static and thermal pressures; these findings form the basis for proving the serviceability and loadbearing capacity of building constructions;
Basics of elasticity theory (kinematic, kinetic and constitutive relationships); linear beam theory (internal force variables, stress analysis, elastic curve);
In the exercises, examples of the thematic areas on the board are pre-calculated. In parallel, the students are provided in eCampus information for independent processing of tasks whose solutions will be published about a week later.
Accompanying success monitoring during the course of performance assessment by four written examinations (see regulations).
R. Stark: Festigkeitslehre - Aufgaben und Lösungen, Springer Verlag, 2006