846184 VO Ecological and Economic Aspects of Energy Supply

summer semester 2021 | Last update: 27.05.2021 Place course on memo list
VO Ecological and Economic Aspects of Energy Supply
VO 2

Die Studierends are acquainted with basic knowledge an energy economy, environmental problems and thermodynamics. ärmelehre.

energy flows, ecological basic ideas, CO2, H2=, N2 .. circuits, energy efficiency, energy and environment, geenhouse effect , climate change, energy and economy,energy and society, world energy scenarios, outlooks: 2. law of thermodynamics, renewable energy, builindg standards. 

Lecture with acual thematics

if possible oral exam

eports des Intergovernmental panel on Climate Change (IPCC), http://www.ipcc.ch/

IEA World Energy Statistics

BP statistical review of wolrd energy (http://www.bp.com/)

Daten der Statistik Austria

Veröffentlichungen der ÖSterreichsichen Energieagentur

Streicher et al., 2011, Energieautarkie 2050 für Österreich (http://www.google.at/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&ved=0CCAQFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.bmlfuw.gv.at%2Fdms%2Flmat%2Fumwelt%2Fenergie-erneuerbar%2Fenergieautarkie%2FEnergieautarkie%2FEnergieautarkie-2050_Endbericht%2FEnergieautarkie%25202050_Endbericht.pdf&ei=WfybU6KDFsnT7Aa6-oDgCA&usg=AFQjCNGPT-ChXYY2o19L4ohiEEhcy5luLQ&sig2=EsChXnO8-B4w2dx8o4U08w&bvm=bv.68911936,d.ZGU)

see dates
Group 0
Date Time Location
Mon 2021-03-01
14.15 - 16.00 eLecture - online eLecture - online
Mon 2021-03-08
14.15 - 16.00 eLecture - online eLecture - online
Mon 2021-03-15
14.15 - 16.00 eLecture - online eLecture - online
Mon 2021-03-22
14.15 - 16.00 eLecture - online eLecture - online
Mon 2021-04-12
14.15 - 16.00 eLecture - online eLecture - online
Mon 2021-04-19
14.15 - 16.00 eLecture - online eLecture - online
Mon 2021-04-26
14.15 - 16.00 eLecture - online eLecture - online
Mon 2021-05-03
14.15 - 16.00 eLecture - online eLecture - online
Mon 2021-05-10
14.15 - 16.00 eLecture - online eLecture - online
Mon 2021-05-17
14.15 - 16.00 eLecture - online eLecture - online
Mon 2021-05-31
14.15 - 16.00 eLecture - online eLecture - online
Mon 2021-06-07
14.15 - 16.00 eLecture - online eLecture - online
Mon 2021-06-14
14.15 - 16.00 eLecture - online eLecture - online
Mon 2021-06-21
14.15 - 16.00 eLecture - online eLecture - online