603037 KU Teaching and Learning - Sprectrum of Activities: Multilingualism and the construction of normality in diverse contexts

winter semester 2021/2022 | Last update: 11.10.2021 Place course on memo list
KU Teaching and Learning - Sprectrum of Activities: Multilingualism and the construction of normality in diverse contexts
KU 2
every 2 weeks

The aim of the course is a critical analyses of monolingualism, in the past and presence constructed as the normal state of affairs. Students can analyse language ideologies, language regimes and language policies as relevant contexts for teaching and learning. Students are familiar with theories of language acquisition and identity processes in plurilingual contexts and have studied national and international projects, initiatives and measures to acknowledge and make use of the diversity of languages as an individual and societal resource.

The course provides the opportunity to reflect on one’s own language biography, different aspects of multilingualism in contexts of learning and in the public space on the basis of scientific literature as well as legal, political and media texts. Students work on strategies to turn the actual multilingualism of individuals into a resource. 

Presentations, working with scientific texts and other material, group discussions, web search

Regular attendance and participation, course with formative assessment, i.e. students are graded on the basis of written and/or oral tasks assigned regularly over the term. Short presentations of literature/material as basis for plenary discussions. Delivery of web search results on specific countries.

Literature will be announced at the beginning and some will be made available on OLAT

Elearning shares 100%

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