305900 VO Comparative Law
summer semester 2022 | Last update: 14.06.2022 | Place course on memo listIntroduction to comparative law, its aims, functions and methods with a special emphasis on terminology.
The course will introduce the basics of comparative law in their historical and practical context. By comparing the structure and solutions of different legal systems students shall develop a better understanding of the solutions of their home legal systems. This also allows a more critical review of these solutions. Examples will be taken from contract and tort law, property and succession. A special emphasis will lie on common law systems as well as the importance of comparative law in the harmonisation and unification processes.
Particular emphasis will be given to terminology; main parts of the lecture will be held in English.
Lecture, discussion of case law, online elements
Written exam, online tests
Kischel, Rechtsvergleichung (2015); Rainer, Europäisches Privatrecht - Die Rechtsvergleichung (2. Aufl. 2007); Rainer, Introduction to Comparative Law, (2010); Ranieri, Europäisches Obligationenrecht (3. Aufl. 2009); Schwenzer/Müller-Chen, Rechtsvergleichung (2. Aufl. 2008); Zweigert / Kötz, Einführung in die Rechtsvergleichung (3. Aufl. 1996) auch in englischer Übersetzung von Tony Weir; Reimann/Zimmermann, The Oxford Handbook of Comparatie Law (2006); Siems, Comparative Law (2014)
Course held primarily in English!
- Faculty of Law
- Doctoral Programme in Law according to the Curriculum 2012 (180 ECTS-Credits, 6 Semesters)
- Doctor of Philosophy Programme Italian Law/Dottorato di ricerca in materie giuridiche at the University of Innsbruck and the Università degli Studi di Padova according to the Curriculum 2012 (180 ECTS-Credits, 6 Semesters
Group 0
Date | Time | Location | ||
Wed 2022-06-22
15.00 - 19.00 | online (Zivilrecht) online (Zivilrecht) | ||
Fri 2022-06-24
09.00 - 18.00 | Hörsaal 7 Hörsaal 7 | Barrier-free | |
Sat 2022-06-25
09.00 - 18.00 | Hörsaal B Hörsaal B | Barrier-free |