436107 VO Enterprise Resource Planning Systems

summer semester 2022 | Last update: 04.03.2022 Place course on memo list
VO Enterprise Resource Planning Systems
VO 2
each semester
The aim is a continuous view of internal processes in a company across different functional domains. Students should get to know the values, benefits and potential of different IT-based business solutions in the areas of business management (EPK, BPMN) and ERP-Systems. The knowledge acquired in the project work should be intensified or consolidated. In conjunction with a real or fictitious company a prototype (ERP-System) shall be engineered, reflecting the core processes of the company. The used rapid prototyping approach should help to ensure the transformation from theoretical to practical operating know-how. - Understanding of different business processes modelling methods - identifying and deepen of holistic business context - gaining knowledge of functions and architecture modern ERP-Systems - mapping of business processes (logistics, accounting) - practice-oriented know-how generation by a rapid prototyping approach - improving team work
- Use and evaluation of different business process modeling methods - Overview of typical challenges in the use of ERP-Systems - Mapping business processes of the classical functional domains of a company in ERP-Systems - Cross-functional construction of an ERP prototype
- lecture with interactive participation - theoretical input putting into practice by working with tools - case study - project work - rapid prototyping (prototype realization of an ERP / project work)
- case studies - project work - user abilities - finals

participation requirements see curricula

The first date is compulsory!!!
see dates
siehe Termine PS, siehe Termine PS
  • SDG 4 - Quality education: Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.