621131 UE Applied Sports Psychology

summer semester 2022 | Last update: 13.04.2022 Place course on memo list
UE Applied Sports Psychology
UE 2
each semester

Objectives, principles and models of sport psychological intervention

forms; learning of psycho-regulative techniques and their application


Basic discussion with regard to psychological stress and relaxation based on the S - sE- R model


Stessors and symptoms of stress, stress diagnosis and models, level of activation and performance, condition before starting off, burnout, fight or flight reaction, relax resonse, fear of failure, vizualizing, aspects based on motivation research.


Developement of basic principles of psychoregulatory techniques, gaining practical and theoretical techniques and  knowledge of well  established procedures


Sensitization of cognition and body experience, sense of self, imaginery and physical travel and deep relaxation, sensitization of senses and intrinsic concentration. carpentereffect, autogene training, mentaltraining, biofeedback, meditation...


Workloads are required



Lecture , teamwork, discussion

Written exam

Will be discussed in the first lesson.

see dates
Group 0
Date Time Location
Fri 2022-03-11
08.30 - 10.45 S14 S14
Fri 2022-03-11
10.45 - 12.15 H06 H06
Fri 2022-04-01
08.30 - 10.45 S14 S14
Fri 2022-04-01
10.45 - 12.15 H06 H06
Fri 2022-04-29
08.30 - 10.45 S14 S14
Fri 2022-04-29
10.45 - 12.15 H06 H06
Fri 2022-05-06
08.30 - 10.45 S14 S14
Fri 2022-05-06
10.45 - 12.15 H06 H06
Fri 2022-05-13
08.30 - 10.45 S14 S14
Fri 2022-05-13
10.45 - 12.15 H06 H06
Fri 2022-05-20
08.30 - 10.45 S14 S14
Fri 2022-05-20
10.45 - 12.15 H06 H06