627052 SE Didactic special field (Group B):

summer semester 2022 | Last update: 08.04.2022 Place course on memo list
SE Didactic special field (Group B):
SE 2
each semester

Knowledge of aspects of relevant learning theories and language didactic in multilingual education;

Knowledge of scientific literature and research results relevant for classes teaching language competences, internal and external multilingualism, language teaching concepts in particular in South Tyrol, North Tyrol and Vorarlberg;

Increasing confidence in working with methods of didactic research;

Confidence regarding organizational and didactic planning steps for preparing learning materials and providing or producing data in school projects regarding topics treated in this seminar.


Introduction: connection with education, linguistic education, autonomous learning; state of research in the fields of language competences, language change, varieties, language learning at universities and schools (North Tyrol, South Tyrol, Vorarlberg); insight into various data, methodological tools (e.g. questionnaires); aspect and principals of research-based language teaching; introduction to interesting research issues for German classes.

The principle of individualisation – taking into account the pupil’s starting position, their learning – and language biographies – supports the ability to diagnose learning strategies and to develop individual learning programmes.

The principle of explorative acting: educational spaces like schools and the society, in particular multilingual ones, may be compared to laboratories. The laboratory provides a multitude of communicative experiences and texts which document authentic usage and which may be followed by situational linguistic reflection and building up language awareness. In addition, single research questions concerning e.g. regional languages, multilingualism, language norms, language change may be pursued in school projects. The results may also lead to didactic materials which supplement official school materials.

The principle of further development of basic competences like reading, writing, information literacy and text comprehension is to be provided by a spiral teaching approach at all levels of education. Reading and writing skills are to be taught interdisciplinarily in all subjects to prepare the ground for a pre-scientific approach in secondary education.

The principal of real life approach: The exterior space, the society, as well as the interior space, the school, are places to practise social and communicative skills. Dealing with the demands of educational language, the language of social media, the language of teachers and pupils, consultation and assessment and the like, improves the abilities of (future) teachers, as well as (envisaged) pupils to handle their own communication variants with ease and confidence.




·         Ballis, Anja; Hodaie, Nazli (Hrsg.) (2019): Perspektiven auf Mehrsprachigkeit. Individuum – Bildung – Gesellschaft. Berlin: Walther de Gruyter.

·         Dannerer, Monika; Mauser, Peter (Hrsg.) (2018): Formen der Mehrsprachigkeit in sekundären und tertiären Bildungskontexten. Tübingen: Stauffenberg Verlag.

·         Dannerer, Monika; Esterl, Ursula (Hrsg.) (2018): Norm und Variation. ide Hf. 4.

·         Neuland, E./Könning, B./Wessels, E. (Hrsg.) (2018): Jugendliche im Gespräch. Forschungskonzepte, Methoden und Anwendungsfelder aus der Werkstatt der empirischen Sozialforschung. Berlin: Peter Lang.

·         Stickel, Gerhard (Hrsg.) (1997): Varietäten des Deutschen. Regional- und Umgangssprachen. Berlin, New York: de Gruyter.

·         De Cillia R./Ransmayr, J. (2019): Österreichisches Deutsch macht Schule. Bildung und Deutschunterricht im Spannungsfeld von sprachlicher Variation und Norm.

Weitere ausgewählte Literatur wird im Seminar bekanntgegeben.



see dates
Group 0
Date Time Location
Tue 2022-03-08
08.30 - 10.00 4U102b 4U102b Barrier-free Induction loops for hearing impaired
Tue 2022-03-15
08.30 - 10.00 4U102b 4U102b Barrier-free Induction loops for hearing impaired
Tue 2022-03-22
08.30 - 10.00 4U102b 4U102b Barrier-free Induction loops for hearing impaired
Tue 2022-03-29
08.30 - 10.00 4U102b 4U102b Barrier-free Induction loops for hearing impaired
Tue 2022-04-05
08.30 - 10.00 4U102b 4U102b Barrier-free Induction loops for hearing impaired
Tue 2022-04-26
08.30 - 10.00 4U102b 4U102b Barrier-free Induction loops for hearing impaired
Tue 2022-05-03
08.30 - 10.00 4U102b 4U102b Barrier-free Induction loops for hearing impaired
Tue 2022-05-10
08.30 - 10.00 4U102b 4U102b Barrier-free Induction loops for hearing impaired
Tue 2022-05-17
08.30 - 10.00 4U102b 4U102b Barrier-free Induction loops for hearing impaired
Tue 2022-05-24
08.30 - 10.00 4U102b 4U102b Barrier-free Induction loops for hearing impaired
Tue 2022-05-31
08.30 - 10.00 4U102b 4U102b Barrier-free Induction loops for hearing impaired
Tue 2022-06-07
08.30 - 10.00 4U102b 4U102b Barrier-free Induction loops for hearing impaired
Tue 2022-06-14
08.30 - 10.00 4U102b 4U102b Barrier-free Induction loops for hearing impaired
Tue 2022-06-21
08.30 - 10.00 4U102b 4U102b Barrier-free Induction loops for hearing impaired
Tue 2022-06-28
08.30 - 10.00 50101/1 SR 50101/1 SR Barrier-free ACHTUNG: SR 50101/1