627176 SE Selected Topics in the Didactics of English: Exploring language learner interaction (Group 2)

summer semester 2022 | Last update: 02.05.2023 Place course on memo list
SE Selected Topics in the Didactics of English: Exploring language learner interaction (Group 2)
SE 2
each semester

Students will

• acquire a solid understanding of the processes involved in learner interaction as well as how interaction promotes the acquisition process

• be familiar with major theoretical approaches to learner interaction & corrective feedback

• be able to analyse learner data with regard to interactional processes

• acquire the knowledge to critically reflect on potential implications of findings in interaction research for the foreign language classroom


This seminar focuses on learner interaction in English as a second language. We will engage with different aspects of learner interaction, such as negotiation of meaning, pauses and fillers as well as alignment between speakers. These features will be explored by analysing authentic learner interaction data. In a second step, we will discuss implications for the language classroom, such as the role of input, the concept of wait-time, or corrective feedback.

lecture, partner & group work, presentations, discussions


oral and written

to be announced

This course is part of Compulsory Module 1 (“Subject-Specific Education”) Master's Programme Secondary School Teacher Training (General Education) Subject: English.


The admission to the course follows the conditions of admission (for information please consult the IMoF website: https://www.uibk.ac.at/imof/studium/).

see dates
  • SDG 4 - Quality education: Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.
Group 1
Date Time Location
Tue 2022-03-08
17.15 - 18.45 40528 40528 Barrier-free
Tue 2022-03-15
17.15 - 18.45 40528 40528 Barrier-free
Tue 2022-03-22
17.15 - 18.45 40528 40528 Barrier-free
Tue 2022-03-29
17.15 - 18.45 40528 40528 Barrier-free
Tue 2022-04-05
17.15 - 18.45 40528 40528 Barrier-free
Tue 2022-04-26
17.15 - 18.45 40528 40528 Barrier-free
Tue 2022-05-03
17.15 - 18.45 40528 40528 Barrier-free
Tue 2022-05-10
17.15 - 18.45 40528 40528 Barrier-free
Tue 2022-05-17
17.15 - 18.45 Hörsaal 7 Hörsaal 7 Barrier-free Gastvortrag
Tue 2022-05-24
17.15 - 18.45 40528 40528 Barrier-free
Tue 2022-05-31
17.15 - 18.45 40528 40528 Barrier-free
Tue 2022-06-07
17.15 - 18.45 40528 40528 Barrier-free
Tue 2022-06-14
17.15 - 18.45 40528 40528 Barrier-free
Tue 2022-06-21
17.15 - 18.45 40528 40528 Barrier-free
Tue 2022-06-28
17.15 - 18.45 40528 40528 Barrier-free