645002 UE Historical Excursion

summer semester 2022 | Last update: 31.01.2022 Place course on memo list
UE Historical Excursion
UE 1
every 2 weeks
each semester

Confrontation with various sources and narratives referring to the historic space and its relevant current political setting. Prospective historians are getting used to prepare excursions under specific topics.


In the course, preparing an excursion in the End of July, we will have a closer look on the North of Italy in the Late Antiquity and in the Middle Ages.

Presentations of the course instructor, discussion of relevant literature, preparation of the presentations of the excursion, individual feedbacks.

Participation in discussions, oral presentations and preparation of a handout and other material for the field trip.

Theo Kölzer/Rudolf Schieffer (Hrsg.), Von der Spätantike zum frühen Mittelalter. Kontinuitäten und Brüche, Konzeptionen und Befunde, Stuttgart 2009; Hans-Werner Goetz, Europa im frühen Mittelalter. 500–1050, Stuttgart 2003, S. 280–284; Mischa Meier, Die Völkerwanderung. Europa, Asien und Afrika vom 3. bis zum 8. Jahrhundert, München 3. Aufl. 2020.

Positive assessment of compulsory module 1

This tutorial can only be attended in association with the corresponding field trip.

see dates