645202 EX Historical Excursion

summer semester 2022 | Last update: 09.11.2022 Place course on memo list
EX Historical Excursion
EX 2
each semester

Examination of the historic and cultural space (temporal categorization and local mapping by means of guided tours in museums or by the phenomenon of the so-called “lieux de memoire”), intensification of knowledge about the historic developments from Early Modern Times to present days.

Romania is one of Europe’s newly constituted nation states in the 19th century. The Paris Peace Treaties in the aftermath of WWI transformed the Kingdom of Greater Romania with considerable territorial gains, which lasted until the Hitler-Stalin Pact and the Soviet Occupation of certain parts in 1940. The course wants to deal with the question of the historical territories and tries to discuss this in a profile, starting from Transylvania over the Banat, Wallachia, Dobrudja, the Danube Delta to Bucharest: What historical spaces constituted Romania after 1918 and what continuities can be detected? What role did the Habsburg monarchy play in the political and social shaping of this region since the beginning of the 18th century? Did areas such as Transylvania and the Banat have intermediary functions in between East and West? What was the significance of Vienna’s Danube policy during the 19th century? And was the smaller Romania (the old kingdom) before 1914 really considered to be the ‘balcony’ of the Monarchy with a view to the southeast of the Balkan Peninsula?

Guided tours in the field, presentations of the course instructor as well as of the students.

Participation in discussions, will be announced

Will be announced

Positive assessment of compulsory module 1

 You can register for the excursion exclusively via exercise 645203.

to be announced
Zeitfenster 13.-24.09.2022 (ca. 12 Tage), Rumänien