704730 VU Special Themes 3: Electronics
summer semester 2022 | Last update: 06.12.2021 | Place course on memo listPriv.-Doz. Mag. Dr. Manfred Mark
Priv.-Doz. Mag. Dr. Manfred Mark, +43 512 507 4742, +43 512 507 52430, +43 512 507 47052
VU Special Themes 3: Electronics
VU 3
Basic knowledge of electronic circuits, Feedback-loops and microcontrollers.
Basic knowledge of electronic circuits, Feedback-loops and microcontrollers.
Theory lectures, simulation project and practical block in the summer.
Will be discussed in the first lesson.
to be announced
- Faculty of Mathematics, Computer Science and Physics
- Master's Programme Physics according to the Curriculum 2020 (120 ECTS-Credits, 4 semesters)
- "Doctor of Philosophy" - Doctor of Philosophy Programme Physics according to the Curriculum 2009 (180 ECTS-Credits, 6 semesters)
- Master's Programme Physics according to the Curriculum 2007 (120 ECTS-Credits, 4 semesters)
- SDG 4 - Quality education: Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.